Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who would of thought...

My six year-old son loves things that most kids would find scary... He loves the movie Jaws, Jurrasic Park, loves watching attacks on Animal Planet & etc. This morning we were discussing some of the rides we would make sure to go to when we head to "Mikey's Christmas Party" in Novemember. I mentioned the "It's a Small World" boat ride. This is then what happened:

Austin: No Way! NOT IT'S A SMALL WORLD!!!!
Me: Really?? Too Girly for you?
Austin: That ride freaks me out...remember when we rode that when I was three. I woke up from my nap on that ride. All the dolls were singing and dancing. That scared me.
Me: Okay, then I guess we can skip that one.

He then does a little stiff dance (almost like the robot) and starts to sing "It's a Small World".

The more I think about it... It is a little scary.


. said...

too funny!

April said...

I wish I would of been able to film the dance moves he was doing... Stinking cute!!!

jag said...

Hmmm... I'm actually afraid of a lot of things most 6 year olds are afraid of (the dark, boogie men, etc.) and I LOVE It's A Small World. Different strokes for different folks, huh? Hope you guys are doing well.

:) Jenna Walker