Sunday, January 18, 2009

I know… This is long over-due!!
So yes, we are expecting. I am almost 13 weeks already!! We are so excited to have another addition to our family. I have to admit this pregnancy has been great. I am never sick and rarely exhausted. I feel amazing. With Austin, I do not think I was more tired than I have been. I have my next doctor appointment on 2/11. I will have some blood work done, and then I get to schedule my sonogram. Mike and Austin want the baby to be boy, I am hoping for a girl but another boy would great also. Ultimately we all want the baby to be healthy!! We also just found out that some very good friends of ours are expecting too!!! Nick and Sharon are expecting their first, she is 14 weeks along. Yvonne and Jason are expecting too! This will be Yvonne’s 2nd. She is around 15 weeks. :)


jag said...

We are so eager to find out what you're having! I think surprises are neat, but I just didn't have it in me to wait! I lack patience I suppose. Do you have any names picked out?

. said...

Girl, Kristen JUST informed me that you guys are building in Rolling Hills. I live RIGHT NEXT DOOR in Silver Creek!!!! How exciting!!! We LOVE LOVE LOVE it out here in the country, haha!!! Did you guys already sign a contract and what not??